
I walk a mile...

Holla! (First entry in english):)) The last time I dye my hair or bleached i end looking like Marilyn Moonroe :3 i mean really blond but with pink ends :D so fashionable xD what? Lol anyway i'm trying to go through this blog post really fast and trying to make the less mistake i can here...  in english ha! is always a first time for everything right? :] so for those who like english conversation or readings please feel free to correct my writing mistakes... :D Anyway i was going to write about "hair" but i always change my mind so...  Do you think is preaty lame that i always talk about hair and hairs stuffs!? Or makeup? But im a girl ok so deal with it!! Im kiding xD you don't have to if you don't want!  The girls world looks to be so small but is not, for the most part i think we enjoy ourself to much. We can be so dedicated for what we like. I like makeup but i like a bunch of stuffs too.. Like vampires for example and not because is halloween i mean "always" and magic, wizards all the supernatural but never like zombies :3  So i was thinking yeah all that is fun but a couples of years back i star with make up and then hair and then makeup and hair and shoes and clothes etc.. I think this is what girls do! Then i start to work in this really known clothe store and i have to run in high heels all the time and  all this running and trying to beat the sales really take the best of me,  i just love/hate that job but always end the shift feeling like crap!  So no, i want a relaxing job, maybe where i can sit some time and i quit to the clothe store and start to work in a magic store, that was fun but sometimes boring job but i work more and earn more so ok! :)  In that time i learn a lot of me and what i like and most important what can i do. So in that time i was trying to slow down with the rush and start to find a place... Yeah! But shits happend and i lost my job because i can't get on time one day and i just say something like "ok i don't need this job" you know when you have so much stress and only get late for once, i get so angry that my boss don't give me a soft hand and understand... and i just quit again!  I get this now and i think this is the actitude i have!? Did i quit to easy from things even when i like it so much!?? I don't think is always like that but yes it happend to me time to time.  And i have no patience, well i have but is not my best quality. And i think again is only because i'm always in a rush and this is continue to happend? Because i can't really relax and when i do for a little i start to get stress again thinking of what i have to do next... even when everything is fine, that is my motto! Only when i travel, listen music or go to hang out with friends i feel relax.  True when i like something i can go and get it done when i feel estimulated< that word is right? Sometimes is with a movie or a book if is bad i try really try to finish it anyway! Or a friendship or a relationship, i don't even want to talk about relationship, so many people stress me out lol! Maybe people think i'm a social person (i'm) but sometimes be social brings the crap in my life! So i'm social but i try to not be social with all the people because some people are anoying as "f" and if u don't get that f is "fuck" so yeah i'm a social but im not hugging all babies and granys xD Ok this get out of subject but what u think!? Did u think is a generation actitud!? What brings passion in your life!? :D  feel free to comment! Hug and kisses xD that's ironic! Love u guys!! (: